on my couch! Yep... due to some contractions last week and more after trying to go back to work on Monday, I've been sent home. That could be a grand thing if I had the freedom to do all the things that need to be done around the house, but that's not quite how it works. Tre' has been nothing short of amazing and we may be calling him Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart before it's all over with. Tonight he even got roped into picking out a fancy holiday top for me to wear to a Make A Wish Event we committed to earlier in the year (I got a "free pass" from my doc to attend since we're committed to speak at the event). Iz is getting in some extra time with GaGa and PaPa.
So, though I REALLY hate sitting around all day long... I'm very thankful that I'm sitting here and contractions have backed off. I'm thankful that we have such supportive family and friends and that my school has been so great! I'm searching hard for projects around the house that can be done from the couch and the countdown has begun... for me at least. :)
Sorry that you are on couch-rest, but hopefully you can find something to do.... and hope that baby comes soon as well
Good luck with the speaking!
Oh goodness!! Sounds like you need some extra rest! Glad to hear Tre' is handling it like a champ!! Hang in there and keep that lil guy in just a little bit longer :)
It's hard to keep a good teacher down...except being a good mommy trumps being a good teacher! Get the rest, take it easy these next few weeks and help Chip grow a bit more!
Enjoy the quiet, you'll have plenty to keep you busy in a few short weeks!
Thinking of you as you endure "couch rest." Some aspects are probably nice, but I think I'd go stir crazy after a while myself. I hope you can find something to keep your mind busy. I'd suggest watching all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls. (:
Jenny, Sit back and relax! I'll see if I can't find Tre' just the perfect apron so he can look the part. I have learned there are lots of ways to keep busy from the couch. Thank Goodness for computers, i-Pods, and texting! We will be saying prayers as time for baby comes. We're so excited for you. Much love, Les and Missy
Sorry that you are on couch rest - it will all be worth it once Chip arrives. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Hugs Jenny! I hope you take FULL advantage of the rest and pampering you so deserve. You tell that sweet husband of yours that even strangers out there appreciate, from a distance, what a sweet guy Katie, Izzy and Chip's daddy is.
How in the world did I submit a comment with Soger as my name, I have no idea that previous comment was from Dianna in Louisiana!!!!
wow--i haven't dropped by in a while, apparantly a long while..had no idea you are pregnant! how wonderful!
my second oldest daughter found out this morning one of her bff's was diagnosed at ECH last night with a brain tumor. i am just so heartbroken. we will hopefully drop in this weekend. its been several years since i worked there as a nurse...i miss taking care of those sweet precious children.
anyway...congratulations to your growing family
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