Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Guess Who

Ok, I confess, this is Catie!! Tre' and I were looking through some pictures last night while we were watching Idol and came across this one. I don't have a good recent pic of Chip (he's growing SO stinking fast!!), but I'll get one up soon. He is really starting to look like Catie, esp. through the eyes. I don't think we realized it until we saw this picture.


Amanda: said...

Oh, I LOVE IT!!! So stinking cute!!

Pam D said...

Awww, he's getting SO big! Look at that sweet face... (btw..loved the Izzy scribbles... priceless! thanks.... )

Unknown said...

Jenny, guess who is leaving for China in a few hours to get her baby girl? I cant sleep so I am blog hopping..

Pray for us please

Anonymous said...

I knew this was Catie even before I scrolled down. Something about the eyes gave her away.

Anonymous said...

You had me fooled Jenny!!!! They do grow so fast, don't they!

Anonymous said...

I knew it was catie !

Anonymous said...

I knew it was catie !
