Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Childhood Cancer Awareness Video

Ok, Disney Part II is coming, but for now, check this out. I totally swiped this from Kristie, but I know she won't mind. All this stirs up lots of memories... She did so much of what you see here. I'll warn you, it's not the easiest thing to watch... but it's all true... how it really happens. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month.

Check this out!

I found some interesting statistics on Amazing Jacob's site. Here are a few of them.

*Every year almost 3,000 children die of cancer.
*The national government recently cut the budget for funding of pediatric cancer research.
*Currently there are 30,000-40,000 children being treated for cancer in the US.
*As a nation, each year we spend 14 billion dollars per year on the space program and only 35 million on childhood cancer.

Makes ya think!

I'll try to get the rest of the Disney stuff up tonight.


Michael's pen said...

Jen Marie,

It's Dad. As a Nation we spend nearly a billion a day on the war in Iraq. An yet the Government can't find 30 millon spread to help children with cancer. More kids die from cancer every year than were killed in 911. The national tragedy is that our leaders care more for oil in the sand than they do for children who are suffering or will suffer from cancer. Shut down the war for a week. Give the money to pediatric cancer research and save our kids.
Sorry, I know I'm on my soap box.

Anonymous said...

You're dad is SOOO right. I saw this video this morning and I've watched it several times since. I chair our local Relay for Life event and I've forwarded it to everyone involved just in case they happen to forget why we do what we do. Even though I never had the opportunity to meet Catie, she's why I'm involved with raising money to find a cure. I was asked this week to serve on two statewide committees for the ACS. My first thought was, "I'm too busy." Then I thought about Catie and all she had to endure. Giving some of my time, energy and moeny is the least I can do.

Anonymous said...

Oops...Your dad, not you're ;-)